What is SmokeWolfe Beef Black and how do you use it?

What is SmokeWolfe Beef Black and how do you use it?


Taste Profile: Smokey, Peppery, Salt, Hint of Garlic

Ideal for: Beef Steak, Brisket, Beef Roast

Are you ready to take your grilling to the next level?

This Flagship Smoke Wolfe rub roots spring from the Texas way of doing Meat. Sometimes less is more. We’ve heard the reasoning of ‘everything is big in Texas’; well, this is no different with big and bold punchy flavours and the colour to match. This rub is ideal for any Beef cut really, but especially the T-Bone Steak and a Brisket.

In this piece, we will discuss different methods and approaches to layer that flavour into a variety of Proteins and Vegetables to create that BBQ flavour and an amazing dark Bark that your guests can’t get enough of!

Method 1 – Dry Rub Application 

This method is the most basic in its approach. Once your protein is trimmed and prepared for cooking, place on a food safe tray and liberally apply the rub to all sides and firmly rub in. To really develop the flavour further, leave the meat in the fridge for a minimum of 2-3 hours to build that flavour profile. If cooking over a direct heat, be careful to watch out for charring or burning of the exterior.

Method 2 – Rub / Marinade Baste

This method is like method 1, however we add in a generous amount of Neutral or Olive oil to assist in binding the flavour on when time is short. In a bowl, apply the oil to the exterior of the Beef. Once coated, liberally apply the rub into the bowl. Give this a quick stir to ensure the protein has an even coating and add more rub in if some areas are lacking. This meat can then be grilled on the BBQ or Smoker or cooked in the oven or pan using your usual method. Please see the Meat Temperature guide for further details.

Method 3 – General Seasoning

Try adding this to a colourful vegetable and see the contrast of the Black Rub to the natural colour of the vegetable.

Method 4 – Compound Butter 

Compound butters are a great way to layer flavours when using methods such as Reverse Sear or Sous Vide. Once the meat has hit the require temperature, depending on the method you have used, you can use a compound butter to baste it as you finish it off over Lump wood charcoal or a live fire. 

To make the compound butter, take 250G of unsalted butter and place into a bowl, warm this for 10 seconds in the microwave to make it workable and generously add in the Rub. Use a fork to mix this up until fully combined, this can then be used in two ways.

  • Use straightaway using a silicone brush to baste the Meat or Veg (like Grilled Corn Cobs) over the coals
  • Line a worksurface with 3 – 4 Sheets of cling film and spread the mixed butter into a tube shape. Gather both ends and pinch them and begin rolling the film to achieve a cylinder shape. This can then be frozen and whenever you need a seasoning hit to finish some steaks, you can cut 2 -3 disks off the cylinder and add these to your protein when finishing in the pan or over coals.

This list is not exhaustive by any means but serves as a reference point for the different methods in which you can use SmokeWolfe Beef Black to create standout dishes at home, on the Smoker, In the Oven, on a Kettle Grill, or in the Pan.

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